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What we arbitrate?

Arbitration (sometimes referred to as “arbitral proceedings”) is an out-of-court method of resolving disputes through independent and impartial arbitrators. It is frequently used as an alternative to civil litigation for resolving property-related disputes. Arbitration proceedings are non-public, and—together with their speed and often lower costs compared to standard court proceedings—this confidentiality is considered one of their greatest advantages.


Arbitration in the Czech Republic is governed by Act No. 216/1994 Coll., on Arbitration Proceedings and on the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, as amended, which took effect on January 1, 1995. Previously, Act No. 98/1963 Coll. applied, under which only disputes arising from international trade relations could be decided by arbitration. With the adoption of the new arbitration act, the scope of disputes that can be resolved outside of state courts has expanded significantly. Under current legislation, all property-related disputes can be heard in arbitration—except those arising in connection with enforcement proceedings and incidental disputes—provided the parties to those disputes agree to arbitrate. Effective December 1, 2016, it is no longer possible to enter into a valid arbitration agreement with a consumer in commercial relations. Therefore, our Arbitration Court will not hear consumer disputes arising from agreements concluded after that date.


A traditional area for resolving disputes via arbitration is the realm of commercial activity, which—thanks to the current legislation—is no longer limited to international commerce alone and now includes domestic trade as well. Arbitration may proceed before one or more arbitrators appointed by the parties for that specific dispute (“ad hoc” arbitration), or it may be conducted before a permanent arbitration court established by law (institutional arbitration).

Another advantage of arbitration lies in the relative ease of enforcing arbitral awards: the 1958 New York Convention provides for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in 159 countries worldwide (as of September 2018).

What we arbitrate?

  • Domestic disputes
    arbitrating property disputes between parties from the Czech Republic

  • Other disputes
    arbitrating property disputes where at least one party is from abroad.




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Recommended wording of arbitration clauses for contracts.


  • When can one turn to the Arbitration Court?

  • What is the advantage of arbitration before the Arbitration Court compared to proceedings before a state court?

  • Must an arbitration clause be concluded in writing?


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